Legal Framework

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Indonesia is already enshrined in the Waste Management Act 2008. Article 15 states that producers are responsible for the disposal of packaging and products that cannot be composted or are difficult to compost. The problem is that there is no further explanation of what this means for companies. There are no specifications or no reporting requirements. Result: EPR is not really happening.

With Regulation 81/2012, the industry was required to use recyclable materials and to take care of the recycling of packaging. Regulation 97/2017 (also known as Jakstranas), which builds on this, both formulated concrete targets for waste reduction and specified a broad package of possible measures on how to achieve these reductions. In order to strengthen the industry's efforts, it was specified, among other things, that concrete savings targets be set and that company-specific savings plans be developed. The latter are to clarify how and over what period the respective companies concerned intend to achieve the savings targets. 

Regulation 75/2019 of the Indonesian Ministry of the Environment ("Waste Reduction Roadmap") specifies the implementation of the Jakstranas targets for industry, retail, and the hotel and catering sector. Producers of food, cosmetics and other consumer goods must reduce the waste generated by their own products by 30 percent by 2029, in particular through recycling and reuse. For the retail sector, it stipulated a ban on single-use plastic bags. For hotels and restaurants, comparable savings and recycling targets have been set for industry. With this "roadmap," the EPR issue is expected to gain momentum. This affects packaging made of plastic, aluminum (cans), glass and paper. From 2030, there will be a complete ban on plastic straws, plastic bags and single-use polystyrene packaging. To achieve the targets, producers, operators of restaurants, hotels and shopping centers affected by the regulation can enter into cooperative agreements with (i) formally registered waste banks, (ii) landfills with adequate recovery systems, and (iii) recycling centers.  

The implementation timeline calls for the development of packaging take-back concepts and the strengthening of cooperative arrangements with waste banks and other collection points in 2021. Companies report that Indonesia's Ministry of Environment issued a call for packaging reduction plans by Feb. 28, 2021, in late January 2021. In 2022, pilot projects and baseline studies are to be conducted. From 2023, implementation of the developed concepts is to begin in order to achieve the government's minimum targets by 2029 at the latest.